Let’s talk about speech issues

a doctor tell a patient that they have parkinson's

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, muscle control, and balance. As the disease progresses, it can also affect a person’s ability to speak. This can have a significant impact on the individual’s quality of life and ability to communicate with others. In this blog post, we will discuss the speech issues associated with Parkinson’s disease and some strategies for managing them.

One of the most common speech issues associated with Parkinson’s disease is called hypophonia, which is characterized by a soft or weak voice. This can make it difficult for others to hear the person and can also make it harder for the person with Parkinson’s to be understood. In some cases, the individual may even have difficulty hearing themselves speak.

Another common speech issue is dysarthria, which is characterized by slurred or slow speech. This can make it hard for others to understand what the person is saying, and can also make it hard for the person with Parkinson’s to be understood. Additionally, people with Parkinson’s may have difficulty with articulation, making it hard to pronounce certain words.

In addition to these speech issues, people with Parkinson’s may also experience difficulty with swallowing, which can lead to choking or aspiration. This is known as dysphagia, and it can be a serious complication of Parkinson’s disease, particularly as the disease progresses.

There are several strategies that can be used to manage the speech issues associated with Parkinson’s disease. One of the most effective is speech therapy. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can work with the individual to help improve their voice and speech, as well as to help them learn strategies for communicating more effectively.

Another strategy that can be used is medication. Parkinson’s disease is typically treated with medications that help to increase the levels of dopamine in the brain. These medications can help to improve muscle control and movement, which can in turn help to improve speech.

Finally, people with Parkinson’s can also benefit from assistive devices, such as communication devices, that can help them to communicate more effectively. These devices can include things like speech-generating devices, which can help the individual to produce speech even when their voice is weak or difficult to understand.

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Nick Pernisco is the Parkinson’s Warrior, a person with Parkinson’s who has dedicated his life to helping others with Parkinson’s. Get the Parkinson’s Warrior book here. Join the discussion on Facebook.